Northbrook, IL: 847-831-3444
Kenosha, WI: 262-859-2612


5 Trending Backsplashes

You’ve picked your cabinets, flooring, lighting and countertops, now after all of those decisions you are stumped on what to do for the final element to tie all of your painstaking previous choices together. A kitchen or bathroom backsplash can make or break a design look. A backsplash holds the pop of color in a […]


We’re on Houzz!

We’re really into Houzz right now! And no, we’re not just misspelling house. Houzz is like Pinterest for everything home (or commercial) renovation and it’s an addicting, yet informative social media platform that’s sweeping the webverse. What’s great about Houzz, is that it combines all of those elements from other home improvement sites right into […]